Year of Mercy Information
Prayer Card for the Year of Mercy YEAR OF MERCY LOGO EXPLAINED VIDEO: Pope Francis Minute! Year of Mercy
Monthly Activity for Year of Mercy

November - Wednesday, November 9th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at the City Cemetery. We will be weed eating, tree trimming and cleaning up around the cemetery before winter.
October - The Saints and the 7 themes of Catholic social teachings.
Please stop by the O'Center beginning Wednesday, October 19th for a self guided presentation of the 7 social teachings of the Catholic Church as demonstrated by 7 Saints.
September - You are invited to join us for an evening of fun to support a good cause.
WHO: A team of 4-6 kids with an adult leader who can drive.
(Plus a mystery guest to join each team, don’t worry they won’t take much car space!)
WHERE: Starting and ending at the St. Mary’s O’Center.
WHEN: Friday, September 16th at 6:30pm
WHAT: A Year of Mercy twist on your traditional scavenger hunt.
Teams will combine hunting for food pantry items with some fun finds around town.
*If you don’t have a full team please contact the parish office.
* Permission forms are available in the back of church for kids not driven by family.
August- The Year of Mercy Activity for August is a back to school goody bag for each of the K-12 kids in our parish. Thank you to all those who helped put them together and delivered them to students homes. Please keep all our students, parents and teachers in your prayers this month!
July - One of the Catholic Churches corporal works of Mercy is to bury the dead. So that all those in our area may have a nice place to bury the dead our parish will be working on some repairs at the West Point City Cemetery, Thursday, July 14th at 8:30am.
June- We are planning a Mercy Themed- Outdoor Movie Night, Thursday, June 23rd. We will be showing the Disney animated movie Inside Out on the lawn behind the church starting at dark, about 8:45 - 9:00 pm. There will be questions regarding the theme of Mercy as they relate to the movie. We will also be selling popcorn and drinks and all proceeds will be donated to charity.
May - We will pray a Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thursday, May 5th - Friday, May 13th at 6:30 pm in the O'Center. If you are unable to join up please pray from your home by saving or printing the Novena Program.
April - Pilgrimage to the Doors of Mercy:
Pictured above are pilgrims passing through the Doors of Mercy at St. Paul in Burlington. Deacon Bob Glaser lead a prayer service including an opportunity to pass through the doors. The evening ended with refreshments and fellowship.
Pope Francis calls each of us to undertake a Pilgrimage during the Year of Mercy. St. Mary's will lead a small pilgrimage to the Deanery Doors of Mercy at St. Paul Church in Burlington on Thursday, April 14th. Transportation will be provided from St. Mary's. We will depart promptly at 6:30pm. Upon arrival Father Goetz will lead a prayer service. Light refreshments will follow. Please contact the parish office to sign up 837-6808. Their is no cost to participate, but we do have much to gain. "I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved." John 10:9.
February/March - Rediscover Jesus Book Club
Their will be two sessions of the Book Club - Wednesdays at 7:00pm and Thursdays at 1:30pm. The book has 40 chapters for the 40 days of lent. Each week we will cover a week of chapters.
365 Days of Mercy APP
Want an easy and fun daily devotional for the Year of Mercy? Snap this code or go to your app store or go to and install the 365 Days to Mercy app on your mobile device. It’s a great way to spend a little time each day during the Year of Mercy focusing on God’s mercy toward us, and learning how we can live more merciful lives. You’ll get daily reflections on mercy, everyday Scripture reflections, Pope Francis’ tweets, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Novena, and lots more.
January - Links of Mercy
A paper chain will be created in the Ossenbrink Center during the month of January. A basket with strips of paper, pencils and tape will be available. When you complete an act of mercy for another stop by the Ossenbrink Center. Write your act on a strip of paper and attach it to the hanging paper chain. This will allow our entire parish to see how we as a Christian Community are growing in Mercy.
Not sure if you've completed an act of mercy? Check the prayer cards found in church or at the link at the top of this webpage for a list of the Spiritual or Corporal works of mercy.
The Ossenbrink center is open 7 days a week from 6AM to 5:00 pm for you to add to the chain. *Please keep in mind we ask that no names be placed on the links of mercy.
December - Movie Night (or Day)
One way to explore the theme of mercy is through film. We offer this movie simply as a starting point for groups or families who may want to get together and watch a film that touches on both the Christmas theme and the theme of mercy and then enter into a conversation about it. Hopefully, this film prompted by the following questions will raise thoughtful discussion and move us to be more, well, merciful.
The Grinch who Stole Christmas (TV movie; 1966)
This is the original cartoon version. It was chosen for it's appeal to all ages and it is a shorter version.
This Movie can be rented.
It will also be shown on TBS Sunday December 13th @6:30 Central.
or watch it online @
Where was mercy experienced? By whom?
Who was merciful? Why?
What would justice have required, and how is mercy different?
Did the movie challenge you be more merciful? In what way?
*The children who are enrolled at HTC will be watching this film in Religion class during December. Also, the Children in Religious Education in West Point will watch this film and have a discussion on December 16th.
October - The Saints and the 7 themes of Catholic social teachings.
Please stop by the O'Center beginning Wednesday, October 19th for a self guided presentation of the 7 social teachings of the Catholic Church as demonstrated by 7 Saints.
September - You are invited to join us for an evening of fun to support a good cause.
WHO: A team of 4-6 kids with an adult leader who can drive.
(Plus a mystery guest to join each team, don’t worry they won’t take much car space!)
WHERE: Starting and ending at the St. Mary’s O’Center.
WHEN: Friday, September 16th at 6:30pm
WHAT: A Year of Mercy twist on your traditional scavenger hunt.
Teams will combine hunting for food pantry items with some fun finds around town.
*If you don’t have a full team please contact the parish office.
* Permission forms are available in the back of church for kids not driven by family.
August- The Year of Mercy Activity for August is a back to school goody bag for each of the K-12 kids in our parish. Thank you to all those who helped put them together and delivered them to students homes. Please keep all our students, parents and teachers in your prayers this month!
July - One of the Catholic Churches corporal works of Mercy is to bury the dead. So that all those in our area may have a nice place to bury the dead our parish will be working on some repairs at the West Point City Cemetery, Thursday, July 14th at 8:30am.
June- We are planning a Mercy Themed- Outdoor Movie Night, Thursday, June 23rd. We will be showing the Disney animated movie Inside Out on the lawn behind the church starting at dark, about 8:45 - 9:00 pm. There will be questions regarding the theme of Mercy as they relate to the movie. We will also be selling popcorn and drinks and all proceeds will be donated to charity.
May - We will pray a Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thursday, May 5th - Friday, May 13th at 6:30 pm in the O'Center. If you are unable to join up please pray from your home by saving or printing the Novena Program.
April - Pilgrimage to the Doors of Mercy:
Pictured above are pilgrims passing through the Doors of Mercy at St. Paul in Burlington. Deacon Bob Glaser lead a prayer service including an opportunity to pass through the doors. The evening ended with refreshments and fellowship.
Pope Francis calls each of us to undertake a Pilgrimage during the Year of Mercy. St. Mary's will lead a small pilgrimage to the Deanery Doors of Mercy at St. Paul Church in Burlington on Thursday, April 14th. Transportation will be provided from St. Mary's. We will depart promptly at 6:30pm. Upon arrival Father Goetz will lead a prayer service. Light refreshments will follow. Please contact the parish office to sign up 837-6808. Their is no cost to participate, but we do have much to gain. "I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved." John 10:9.
February/March - Rediscover Jesus Book Club
Their will be two sessions of the Book Club - Wednesdays at 7:00pm and Thursdays at 1:30pm. The book has 40 chapters for the 40 days of lent. Each week we will cover a week of chapters.
365 Days of Mercy APP
Want an easy and fun daily devotional for the Year of Mercy? Snap this code or go to your app store or go to and install the 365 Days to Mercy app on your mobile device. It’s a great way to spend a little time each day during the Year of Mercy focusing on God’s mercy toward us, and learning how we can live more merciful lives. You’ll get daily reflections on mercy, everyday Scripture reflections, Pope Francis’ tweets, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Novena, and lots more.
January - Links of Mercy
A paper chain will be created in the Ossenbrink Center during the month of January. A basket with strips of paper, pencils and tape will be available. When you complete an act of mercy for another stop by the Ossenbrink Center. Write your act on a strip of paper and attach it to the hanging paper chain. This will allow our entire parish to see how we as a Christian Community are growing in Mercy.
Not sure if you've completed an act of mercy? Check the prayer cards found in church or at the link at the top of this webpage for a list of the Spiritual or Corporal works of mercy.
The Ossenbrink center is open 7 days a week from 6AM to 5:00 pm for you to add to the chain. *Please keep in mind we ask that no names be placed on the links of mercy.
December - Movie Night (or Day)
One way to explore the theme of mercy is through film. We offer this movie simply as a starting point for groups or families who may want to get together and watch a film that touches on both the Christmas theme and the theme of mercy and then enter into a conversation about it. Hopefully, this film prompted by the following questions will raise thoughtful discussion and move us to be more, well, merciful.
The Grinch who Stole Christmas (TV movie; 1966)
This is the original cartoon version. It was chosen for it's appeal to all ages and it is a shorter version.
This Movie can be rented.
It will also be shown on TBS Sunday December 13th @6:30 Central.
or watch it online @
Where was mercy experienced? By whom?
Who was merciful? Why?
What would justice have required, and how is mercy different?
Did the movie challenge you be more merciful? In what way?
*The children who are enrolled at HTC will be watching this film in Religion class during December. Also, the Children in Religious Education in West Point will watch this film and have a discussion on December 16th.