Returning to Mass:
Step One has allowed us to reopen to private prayer with specific limitations.
Step Two allows us to resume public Masses with restrictions.(We are currently in step 2)
Step Three will allow us to relax some of the restrictions for Mass.
Only after the diocese has determined we have reached a point of “herd immunity” probably through the wide availability of a safe and effective vaccine will there be a return to “normal” liturgical practices. For a complete copy of the Diocese guidelines click here.
Step Two will allow us to resume public Masses with restrictions beginning June 22, 2020. However, the Sunday obligation will be suspended as everyone will not be able to attend each weekend. We will continue to share Mass via Facebook Live
Weekday Masses will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday @ 5:30 pm
Weekend Masses will be held Saturday at 5:30 pm and Sunday at 8:00 am
· You will need to sign up to attend weekend Mass so that we can maintain appropriate social distancing.
You can sign up for Saturday, or sign up for Sunday by filling in these forms or by calling the parish office, 837-6808.
Step One has allowed us to reopen to private prayer with specific limitations.
Step Two allows us to resume public Masses with restrictions.(We are currently in step 2)
Step Three will allow us to relax some of the restrictions for Mass.
Only after the diocese has determined we have reached a point of “herd immunity” probably through the wide availability of a safe and effective vaccine will there be a return to “normal” liturgical practices. For a complete copy of the Diocese guidelines click here.
Step Two will allow us to resume public Masses with restrictions beginning June 22, 2020. However, the Sunday obligation will be suspended as everyone will not be able to attend each weekend. We will continue to share Mass via Facebook Live
Weekday Masses will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday @ 5:30 pm
Weekend Masses will be held Saturday at 5:30 pm and Sunday at 8:00 am
· You will need to sign up to attend weekend Mass so that we can maintain appropriate social distancing.
You can sign up for Saturday, or sign up for Sunday by filling in these forms or by calling the parish office, 837-6808.
- People 65+ and those with medical conditions are encouraged to stay home from Mass at this time.
- There will be no rosary before Masses.
- The only Mass ministries we will have at this time are a lector and 3 ushers.
- We will let people into church approximately 15 minutes before Mass.
- There will be no missalettes or hymnals in the church.
- You will need to wear a mask while in the church for Mass. (If you do not have one please call the parish office.)
- There will be no singing, only instrumental music.
- We will use a simple bow at the sign of peace.
- Communion will only be distributed under the form of the body and will be placed in your hand only. Please see this video with the process to receive communion.
- We will need to maintain a social distance (as much as possible) as we move to the front of church to receive communion. To do this we will only have one communion line moving toward the front of the church with people moving into line by alternating sides.
- We will not pass a collection basket or bring up gifts. You may drop your contributions in the baskets in the back of church as you enter or exit for Mass.
- We will not give out bulletins after Mass.
- We are not allowed to gather or visit after Mass
- We will need to maintain a social distance as we are dismissed at the end of Mass. So we will dismiss from the back of church toward the front. Again in single lines with alternating sides.
- So that more people will be able to receive holy communion we strongly encourage those who are able to attend one of the weekday Masses in lieu of the weekend Mass.
- Eucharistic Ministers will not be able to take communion to the homebound at this time.